The Cup of Couple in Paris

The Cup of Couple in Paris

"Being able to make a living out of something that we really love is a dream come true."

Cup of Couple is a blog founded by Spanish couple, Mike and Gabriel. They are awarded by Bloglovin as Best Men's Fashion Blog in 2016. Aside from being bloggers, they're also talented photographers with such a perfect Instagram feed.  We caught up with them in Paris during Fashion Week Men's and talked about their style and inspirations. Check out the interview below: 

MFP: Why “Cup of Couple?” Who thought of such unique name?

CUP OF COUPLE: We thought about it a lot. We remember sitting down with a cup of coffee and plenty of paper so that we could write down everything that popped into our heads. We wanted the blog to feature our work and our life together. Eventually, the cup of coffee inspired us and that's how 'Cup of Couple' was born. Sometimes we ask ourselves whether it was a good decision, though, because many people can't pronounce it properly.

MFP: What can you tell our readers about yourselves and the blog? What inspired you to start a couple's blog?

Mike: I studied photography followed by graphic design in Madrid. I have always been interested in photography and my dream was to become a fashion photographer. I worked with a few print publications before launching the blog.

Gabi: I studied advertising and personal relations, also followed by graphic design. We didn't meet at university, like many people think we did. We met on Facebook. I've always been into photography, art and design and we thought why don't we create our unique space to share our passions and interests.  


MFP: Give us a quick rundown of how a typical day looks like for Cup of Couple?

CUP OF COUPLE: That's a difficult one because no two days are ever the same and it's impossible for us to have a routine. Sometimes we spend the whole day in the studio editing and we don't even go out for lunch. In contrast, sometimes we spend most of our time traveling and taking street style photos. Our lack of routine is what we like the most. 

MFP: If you weren't bloggers today what will you be doing?

Mike: Fashion photography.

Gabi: I would like to work in a creative industry and maybe even have my own agency.  

MFP: Describe your personal style and how it is different from one another? 

Mike: I think I'm quite casual. 

Gabi: I've learnt to be more minimal, comfortable and classic as time goes by.

MFP: Favorite city in the world? What’s the next place you guys want to visit?

CUP OF COUPLE: We can never decide between Japan, Copenhagen, Paris and San Francisco. We are dying to go back to Japan and visit Iceland.

MFP: What are some misconceptions that people think of you or your job?

CUP OF COUPLE: We don't like the fact that some people have a preconceived idea of what it is to work online. We put a lot of time and effort into everything we do: photos, editing, shot preparation and so on. The line that defines work and free time is very fine and we can honestly say our minds never stop. We don't like it when people say "Oh you lead such a great life" or when people don't respect others' creative work.  


MFP: What would you say that is the greatest satisfaction of being a fashion blogger? What is Cup of Couple's biggest achievement?

CUP OF COUPLE: Generally speaking, being able to make a living out of something that we really love. It's a dream come true. We are looking forward to seeing how it develops and for some of the projects which we've been working on for months to come to light. If we had to highlight one of our proudest moments, we would definitely chose our Bloglovin award for 'best male bloggers', which we unexpectedly won last year and served to remind us to embrace new challenges. 

MFP: Advice for people who would like to start a couple blog?

CUP OF COUPLE: Patience, respect, good communication and have fun.

Check out their blog at

Follow them on Instagram: @cupofcouple

Interviewed and Photographed by Adrian Martin

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