Model Spotlight: Anthony Greenfield

Model Spotlight: Anthony Greenfield

We are starting a new series called "Model Spotlight" where we are taking the opportunity to feature interesting models from around the world. There are many misconceptions about models and so we want to shine some light on some of these amazing guys. For our first feature, we had the honor of having Anthony Greenfield a model/actor based in Los Angeles. As you will soon find out, Anthony is a well rounded person who is killing the game. He is currently represented by LA Models. Check out the full interview below:

MFP: How were you discovered?

Anthony: Not many people know this, but my modeling career actually began with a silly bachelor contest that Cosmopolitan used to hold every year. They discontinued it not long after the year I was selected to represent my home state (Michigan.) A college friend of mine asked me if I could help her take some pictures around campus, little did I know, she actually submitted those photos to Cosmo’s annual bachelor contest. I lost the contest, but that turned out to be the start of my modeling career. Thanks Adria!

MFP: What was your first paid gig as a model?

Anthony: Technically, my first paid modeling job was for a local brand back home in Michigan called Moosejaw. This was a few years before I signed with my New York agency

MFP: What is your favorite clothing style? What item do you have the most of?

Anthony: My style is simple, classic. One of my favorite things to do in LA is to wake up early on Sundays and rummage through the flea markets. I love anything vintage, used, worn and military. You see a lot of big brands are actually “inspired” by these old vintage goods. Levi’s, Lucky Brand, J Crew just to name a few. Go into any one of those stores and you’ll find “vintage inspired” goods. The item I have the most are high top Converse - they’re the best once you get em’ dirty and worn.

MFP: Do you like living in Los Angeles?

Anthony: I have a love/hate relationship with LA. Of course, who doesn’t love the weather!? But I can’t stand sitting in LA traffic, I just don’t have the patience for it. It’s a pain in the ass to get anywhere, which makes building friendships really difficult. Not like NY where you could hop on a train and be anywhere in 20-30mins. And personally, I think the nightlife in LA sucks compared to NY. Aside from that, LA offers a very comfortable life. And I love that I can ride my motorcycle 360 days a year!

MFP: Tell us about your favorite fashion brand and/or designer.

Anthony: Well, like I said, most everything I buy is vintage from the flea markets. But for the sake of this interview I would say I’m most inspired by Pharrell Williams, who won the CDFA fashion icon award in 2015 and has had so many successful collaborations in the fashion world, most notably Adidas, Moncler, G-Star RAW & Uniqlo. That man is gifted on so many levels! What I love the most about Pharrell is his drive and willingness to go against the status quo. The world needs more Pharrells.

MFP: What is the meaning of “Good Taste” to you?

Anthony: Obviously, that’s a very subjective question, what I consider to be “good taste” others may not agree with. Good taste is unique for every individual. You just have to find what works for you. What makes you happy. My style changes depending on my mood.

MFP: As a model, do you think it is important to have a lot of followers on Instagram to get gigs?

Anthony: That’s a tricky question, because there are a lot people in this industry who get gigs just because they have a lot of followers. And there are others, like me, who don’t have many and yet, I’m able to maintain a successful career. I do think it’s important for marketing and branding purposes, but at the end of the day, it’s my reputation as a person, and a model, that get me gigs. I show up on time, I do my job, I make friends and I don’t complain. It’s all about who you are as a real person, not the person you pretend to be on social media, or who you want people to think you are. But to answer your question, yes it is important to have a social media presence.

MFP: Do you have any strategies in running your social media platforms?

Anthony: My strategy is simply to be as genuine as possible and to post as often as I can; which isn’t that often. In other words, no, I don’t have a strategy. I’m too busy living my life to be concerned with how many followers I have, or which face tune app I should use. Perhaps I’m being lazy or naive but I really don’t put that much thought or effort into my social media platforms.

MFP: What is your exercise routine/type? Also, to keep healthy, what types of food do you eat?

Anthony: Yoga has changed my life. I take a class at least 3 times a week if not more. As for eating, I try to eat as clean as possible. I don’t drink sodas, I don’t eat processed foods, I try to avoid sweets and I very rarely drink. Of course, I’ll have a beer or two here and there but that's about it. I’m very fortunate to live in LA, we have some amazing farmers markets which is where I get my organic fruits & veggies for the week. Most importantly, I drink lots of water. And again, I don’t take that for granted. I’m very fortunate to have access to clean water, sadly there are thousands of people, here in the United States who don’t even have that. I grew up in Flint, where children are literally being poisoned by the city tap water. It’s shameful that third world conditions exist in the US when we spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars to “democratize” other countries an yet our own people are malnourished and living in the street.

MFP: Which part of your body are you most confident with?

Anthony: Actually, like a lot of people, I’m very self-conscious about my appearance. I’m fairly confident as a person but even today I can look at myself in the mirror and see only flaws. Unfortunately, this is a part of our social programming. When a society places so much importance on appearances and wealth it’s easy to feel not good enough. Self image is something I've struggled with as a kid and still do to this day. I just try to take things one day at a time, and remind myself that I am enough and that “perfection” doesn’t exist. It’s okay to have flaws, those are what set us apart and make us unique as individuals.

MFP: Is there a place you want to travel to that you have yet to visit?

Anthony: I have so much of this beautiful planet I want to explore: I want to see Cuba, Iceland, Vietnam, the Philippines just to name a few. I’m studying Mandarin so that one day I can get lost on a motorbike exploring the vast Chinese countryside. I want to visit the buddhist temples of Tibet. I want to meditate with the hindu yogis of India. I want to take ayahuasca in the amazonian rainforest and meet my higher self. I truly feel like my journey has only just begun.

MFP: If you weren't a model today, what do you think you will be doing instead?

Anthony: If money was no object and I could do anything, I would probably have a farm somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. I think the introvert in me would be very satisfied with living peacefully on 20 acres of land growing my own food. I’d have a horse or two, a handful of chickens and definitely a couple big dogs.

MFP: What is a highlight of your modeling career?

Anthony: Any time I get paid to be on my motorcycle. Which has been happening more and more lately.

MFP: What’s next for Anthony Greenfield? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Anthony: The possibilities are endless, I could be anywhere in 10 years. Hopefully I’ll have a couple beautiful kids to teach. Time will tell…

Keep up with Anthony and follow him on Instagram: @carpino_gambino

Photography by Adrian Martin for Men's Fashion Post

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